Yesterday was the RI open house! and i was there, with some other NP cadets, as a road marshalls. at first, i thought i had to direct cars or smthg, but it was actually to greet the guests, help and guide them to where they r supposed to go. we were situated near the entrances of the school (so there wasnt much shade). i dunno why, but i liked interacting with the guests. so... i did not take much breaks and... got sunburnt. (Xp) And the sunburn marks are funny becos of my uniform, like the V-shaped mark below my neck. many of my teammates kept slacking... a few were playing gameboy adv sp in the hall, many were walking around the school, and some were chatting and eating in the canteen. i think jeson was the only one who did duty with me for the whole 8 hours. thanks. although there are no obvious rewards, i think i hav got three. i contributed to the school, did my part for my cca and got a free lunch.
i was also trying to get the white raffles band, but failed. the bands are cool. i think it was unfair lor. the ushers got the raffles band + a free open house shirt... and they were under shelter the whole time. not like the NP cadets, who had been under the sun, trying our best to help the guests hav a good experience in our school. ok, maybe not all of us, but i think we should still get smthg small, like that band!!! ok, nvmnvmnvm. i shall stop thinking about it.
anyway, i recently had a NP parade, from which i collected two of my badges. but... there was a mistake in their administration, so i did not get my rank and a badge. i think i will only be getting them after the holidays... other badges of mine havent been sent to our school by the hq. =( and so... kenji kept suan-ing me, saying his rank is higher than me, has more badges... blar.
yesterday was also my grandma's birthday. so, my family and our relatives all went to a restaurant to celebrate. the food there was nice! after finishing the dishes, we took out the birthday cake. the candles were lit and we sang the birthday song! we then sliced the cake and filled our already filled tummy. my grandma might be old, but she is an active, kind and (very) friendly woman. i often look up to her for her attitude and character. i think she should win the what best senior citizen award or smthg.
Jim Tan signs off.
3:34 PM