On wed, our class performed our MoV drama production at the lecture theatre. In the course of the last two months, each class had to create their own adaptations of specific parts of the play, make a production, and finally perform it. My main role in this drama production is as the scriptwriter. of course, there are other scriptwriters as well. we chose an egyptian setting, which we thought was unique and very different from venice, the original setting. we felt that it was interesting to portray this scene in a different light. it was really cool to see our own adaptation of MoV come alive in our performance. My class was lucky to get the climax of the play, the trial scene. I felt that we had put in a lot of effort into this performance, and we did well(hehe, so our eng grades would be good XD). In the play, i also had a minor role as a servant. and i was supposed to fan the pharoah. lol. (but i really liked the big peacock-feathered fan that the props department made.) The whole class deserves to be commended!
Jim Tan signs off.
10:16 PM