Warning: this post is totally random. And if u do not like philosophical or confusing stuff, then I advise you not to read it. But if u insist, then suit yourself. (I, Jim Tan, shall not be held liable for any headaches or any form of injury inflicted on the reader.)

I have taken up this challenge, of proving an argument/ statement incorrect, to clear a doubt of my friend, Wan Jing.

I quote from her blog:
time= life

since our life= our time on earth, and the ever popular saying
goes time=money. is money = life?
-Quote end-

Firstly, I define the [=]. (this might not be accurate, but should be roughly the same)
P1.Time is [as precious as] money.
P2.Time [is needed in] life.

S1.Thus, Money [is needed in] Life.
(note: to get this, one must sorta substitute the terms in the premises.)
1 ) Note that the two [=]s are actually referring to different forms of equivalence. Therefore, the links are broken. It is difficult and might be incorrect to merge the two premises together, to form the final statement/equation.

Assuming that the equation is smooth,
2) See that there are two definitions of [=] and it is also possible that the final equation is: Money is [as precious as] Life
This has a similar meaning to Money [is needed in] life, but there is a slight difference which is noticeable.
(maybe) 2.5) Also, what if the equations are reversed? They can be reversed since they are equivalent. (Like in maths, 2+3=5 is equivalent to 5=2+3.) It becomes: Life is needed in money. AND Life is [as precious as] money. Is there a difference?

3) Now look at premise No.1: Time is [as precious as] money. This is a popular saying. However, there is another form of the saying, which is: “Time is [more precious than] money.” With this as the premise, the final equation changes. It can become: Life is [more precious than] money. (this is possible because the substitution can still take place)
(Note: This, unlike others cannot be reversed, in this case, into Money is [more precious then] Life, because the link is no longer [=], it is now [>]. Like maths, 5>2 is a correct equation, but 2>5 is not.)

Life is more precious than money. Ok, I agree more with this than “Life is as precious as money.”
There are even more forms of defence and arguments, but my brain is strained and I guess I shall have to stop here.
Lastly, I apologise to those who have read this. To some, I might have been crapping around. Sorry.
Jim Tan signs off.
10:24 PM