Tuesday was another day at the library. but Darren wasnt there cos he was (and is) in japan. it is still the same duties: shelving, shelf-reading, straightening, and also helping people find the books that they want. this time, I had the chance to shelve at the young people section, which i've never did before. (but Wan Jing got the videos/films section. shes so lucky.) oh ya, this time i felt better, because I managed to be more of help to pple. I helped this woman find enid blyton books, with some help from Jack, cos he looked under the J section which had 2 enid blyton books, while I only found 1 under JP /JS. I also helped a few other pple in finding books for their kids, which made me happy. =) we left slightly earlier and got the chance to walk in the rain. I enjoyed it. X)
Jack and I have also finished watching the 2 studio ghibli movies. I really liked watching both of them. they are simple, everyday-life-ly, but at the same time, emotional and captivating. i find both movies fun to watch. Ghibli movies always leave deep impressions on me. =D I wanna thank them for producing such excellent works.

Whisper of the heart
A shot from The cat returns

Jim Tan signs off.
4:19 PM