wooty. the first month of the year is over. =)
many things happened in this one month. like tests. homework. assignments. and getting used to wearing long pants. (Haha, Darren!) also, i got this chance to get into the CEC (class executive committee). i've never had a chance like this before in ri. so i'll treasure this. last tuesday was the investiture, and i got the badge - green one! this year's badge looks nicer than last years! lol. but of course wearing the badge, also means taking up many more responsibilities. so i've been busier, doing my own work, solving class issues, attending meetings etc. =p. luckily, i've got the help of the other CEC, Brandon - black badge (he's from rosyth too). he has helped me with many things and i wanna thank him =D. While Shaun - white badge, the last CEC in our class, hasnt been doing much, except for collecting a little $ for the class treasury. Shaun, you better put in more effort! I really look forward to working with 3R this year!
Jim Tan signs off.
12:19 AM