Ah I got tagged by Darren! So I'll spend the next hour or so on this. Ok, what you see here are basically answers you'll get when Im tired, and feeling random:

1. What's your full name?
JIM after eating ten full bowls of rice fully, which fills me up full, making me feel like a fool full-stop.

2. Are you single?

3. What is your favourite number(s)?
3 I think.

4. What is/are your favourite colour(s)?
Blue, white, orange.

5. Least favourite colour?
Ar… no particular.

6. What are you thinking right now?
How I’m going to complete 58 more questions.

7. Are you happy with your life right now?
Most parts.

8. What are your favourite subjects in school?
Geo-Math-RE (lol, read: geometry)

9. Do you shop at malls?

10. Where do you wish to be right now?

11. What should you be doing now?
Chinese Assignment.

12.Do you have a crush on anyone?
Im not that fat, and I don’t go around crushing people.

13.When was the last time you bought a clothing item?
Em… cant remember.

14.What was the last thing you drank?
Saliva. I gulped some down, when I saw the number of questions.

15.Do you hate liars? Do you hate backstabbers?
YES. (I am NOT lying)

16.Can you make yourself sneeze?
Yes, with some pepper or dust. Or pepper dust. Or dust pepper.

17. Do you fall for people easily?
Em, depends. If someone close to me asks me to trip and fall, I might fall for him/her.

18.What does your last text message read?
I seriously don’t know, cos I don’t know when I’ll type my last. And I cant read the future.

19.Are you too forgiving?
Not sure.

20.How many windows are open on your computer?

21.Who was your last call from?

22.What do you do with most of your time?
I use them.

23.Will you and your ex get back again?
Not that I have any.

24.Do you sleep with the tv on?
I don’t think I would like to sleep with the tv on me. Its painful.

25. Which of your close friends live the closest?
Jack, about a metre away.

26.Which item could you not live during the day?
I cant live the night during the the day. Obvious.

27.Would you share a drink with a stranger?
Eem, maybe during emergencies.

28. How was your weekend?

29. Do you believe ex(s) can be friends?

30. The last person you quarreled with?
Cant remember. Not a fan of quarrels.

31. The way to win your heart?
That’s assuming I’ll place it for a bet. Then, of course, you’ll hav to win.

32. What did you do last night?

33. Do you have the same name as one of your relatives?
Yes. Lol.

34. Are you looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Im only looking for-ward, at my computer monitor.

35. One song that is meaningful to you?
RI anthem?

36. Do you twirl or scoop your spaghetti?
Depends on the hardness, thickness, length, sauce, and the position and angle of the strand on my plate.

37.Do you drink milk straight from the carton?
Usually no.

38. How long is your hair?
Eight letters long, with some space in between.

39. Do you like Batman?
No. I prefer Goodman.

40. Who was the last person who told you they love you?
I think it was some person from Thailand, during OIP.

41. When was the last time you sang out loud?
Now, after I read this question, and couldn’t recall the last time.

42. What did you have for breakfast?
Kitkat, in under a second. Have a break, fast.

43. Is your birthday on a holiday?
No, its after the longest one.

44. Can you cook?
Yea, some basic stuff.

45. Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
From some mall.

46. What was the reason for the last trouble you were in?
Cant recall the last trouble.

47. Which do you wear more- sweats or jeans?
Jeans most probably.

48. When is your birthday?
15 years and 10 months ago.

49.Do you swear alot?

50. What was your first alcoholic drink?
Er, when I was 10 or so, I mistook beer for apple juice.

51. Do you have any regrets?

52. Who would you like to see now?
Em… Jack.

53. Has the cops ever been to your house?
Yea I think, for those surveys.

54. Are you a social or antisocial person?
Not sure, depends on the environment.

55. Who are your best friends? Are you still friends with them?
The people. Depends on who.

56. Ever been in love?

57. Ever had braces?

58. What do you wear to bed?
Shirt. Shorts. Sharts. Sherts. Shurts.

59. Who was the last person who disappointed you?
Ar… myself I guess.

60. Do you trust people?
Depends on who.

61. Who was the first person you talked to today?

62. Who was the first person who texted you today?
Math teacher.

63. What was the first thing you did today?
Er, open my eyelids, but theoretically speaking, at 12.01am, I was about to sleep.

64. 10 people to tag
Anyone, who wants to play tag. “Tag! Your IT!”

Oh yea, as for OIP, its too long for me to blog in details. so I'll only continue blogging about it when I feel like. but feel free to ask me if you're curious! =D
Jim Tan signs off.
11:44 PM